On June 15th I will leave my hometown Ghent (Belgium) to start a journey of 1.600 kilometers by car to Brunnsvik in Sweden. There I will attend a 7 days retreat on Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn (the man who introduced mindfulness in the western medical world) and his colleague Saki Santorini. I will not be alone: there will be 120 delegates from 15 different countries.
The purpose of this blog is to share experiences about this retreat. On site I hope to be able to make a youtube documentary with interviews with participants to learn about their experiences and expectations.
What is the impact of what I tend to call your "Alternative MBA" (mindfulness based attitude) on your life, both at home and at work?
If you are one of the 120 people who registered can you please share with me:
- what are your expectations?
- do you have experience with mindfulness?
- if so, what is the impact on your private & professional life?
My overall aim is to inispire people that mindfulness might be the plan B our western society needs to better manage the anxiety and stress. Plan B is the alternative (or back-up plan) for the actual Plan A which is so popular in our world: in Plan A we live on Automatic pilot and Accumulate stress; in plan B we Become more mindfull...
looiking forward to your feedback
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